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Thursday, December 4, 2008

SQL Script Builder

SQL Script Builder is powerful software that can create a database migration sql script (or dump file) or database files from any ODBC supported database. The script produced will migrate the database (multiple tables selection) or only one table and the records. Scripts are available in 5 output formats ; MySql, MS SQL, Oracle, Pervasive and PostgreSQL , and files comes in Access mdb, Excel csv, MS xml. SQL Script Builder is very simple to use, you just have to choose the database and the table from the list. SQL Script Builder scripts can be used on your DBMS (database management system) or uploaded on a server.



Anonymous said...

make casestudio ajah
buat mysql pake navicat
udah cukup ko :))

Smart Home Smart Lighting said...

Navicat yg spt gimana?

Anonymous said...

Nice It's Help me to doing mo Job
Kepp GOing