Bitrix Intranet Portal (Full Source code)
Version: 8Developers:Bitrix
Language of the interface: English, Russian
Demo: Intranet Portal is a business-driven intranet solution designed for Enterprise 2.0 collaboration.
Get an effective and easy-to-use intranet portal that includes the latest integrated communication, collaboration, social networking, document sharing, and task management tools.
- Complete out of box intranet solution
- Quick deployment. Your company intranet is ready in only 4 hours!
- 30-minute server installation. No client software installation
- Attractive pricing starting from $1299. Single user price is $20 and less
- Built-in integration with MS Office and Active Directory
- Robust performance and security. 20,000 unique users on server
Company Information
- Company information, history, mission, corporate cultute;
- official news (announces, company rules, orders);
- company event calendars;
- company's photo and video archive;
- industry news, importing an external RSS;
- company's job vacancies;
- company contacts and location.
Company Staff Information
- company staff contacts and address book;
- quick staff search (alphabetical list, company structure, profile settings);
- personal profile (photo, contacts, work area and more);
- quick contacting (web-chat, e-mail, VoIP), check other users' online presence;
- leave information, absence calendar;
- new employees, staff changes, honored employees and more;
- personal user's page with advanced options (personal documents, photo and video archive, personal blog, personal calendars, tasks and more.).
Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
- shared document library with ability to work via Internet browser or Windows Explorer (network drives);
- portal document editing with Microsoft Office;
- document workflow system
- document version control;
- document permission control;
- media content management (photos, videos);
Powerful Search
- Fulltext search;
- Tag search and Tag cloud;
- morphological search;
- immediate portal content indexing;
- search in documents (DOCX, XLSX, DOC, XLS, PPTX, PPT, PDF, RTF, ODS and more);
- flexible search results ranking;
- search depending on user permissions;
- search everywhere: news, employees, forums, documents.
Instant Messaging & Communication
- instant messaging directly on the portal (web-messanger);
- event calendars;
- meetings/notification;
- public and private forums;
- public and private photogalleries;
- staff polls.
Staff Training
- unlimited number of trainig courses for employees;
- self-tests and certification;
- training course import/export (IMS Content Package, IMS QTI);
- automatic result calculation;
- flexible course access permission management.
Platforms & Integration
- integration with Microsoft Office and Open Office;
- integration with Active Directory and LDAP servers, OpenID;
- Single Sign On (SSO);
- cross-platform solution - works on UNIX and Windows (XP, Vista, Windows Server);
- work with IE 5, 6,7 and FF 2, 3;
- support for MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL, Oracle XE, MSSQL Express;
- web-services and SOAP;
- user list export;
- corporate network support (network drives and web-folders for document libraries);
- common export/import protocols (XML, CommerceML, CSV, Excel, RSS).
Download version 8 from original location
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